Aerial Perspective of Arbor Centre Tree Farm Operation

Tree Farm Supply Video


We commissioned a drone based aerial photography partner to produce some footage of our Tree Farm Operation in the Swan Valley. We wanted to share the output of this with you as we’re really pleased with the amazing views and perspective it brings.

View our short video HERE

Our Tree Farm activities are on the increase, with many Developers, Local Government organisations and Landscape Architects starting to visit our operation with a view to purchasing trees, and/or commissioning us to grow and supply stock in smaller sizes, for their forthcoming projects.

Tree Supply Only Service

All trees from our tree farm operation are made available for third party collection, enabling contractors to transport the trees to site and oversee the planting and maintenance processes themselves.

As part of our Tree Farm operations, we harvest and prepare these trees for sale in a ‘containerised’ form for contractors to collect. Our clients can select appropriate smaller trees of quality – typically between 500lt and 1000lt. If you require smaller trees than this, we’ll supply them to you on a grown-to-order basis.

Alternatively, if you have been working on a project and are not happy with the performance of trees supplied by a third-party and/or planted by a nominated contractor, we now offer a Re-Planting & Recovery service, designed to support you in making good, those tree components of a project that you feel are poorly performing.

For further information on how we help clients achieve best value for money for tree related activity, please call one of our Sales Team on 9359 9300 or get in touch today.

Get in touch

If you’d like to find out why we’re known as an ‘Arbor Centre of Excellence’, please get in touch…… you can speak with one of our Sales Team on 08 9359 9300 or contact us by completing your details on this Enquiry Form.

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